What support can my Sea Scout Ship get from the Auxiliary?

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Follow these steps

  1. View the Sea Scouts and the Coast Guard Auxiliary - Implications for BSA councils video
  2. Attend the AUXSCOUT 112 - Introduction to AUXSCOUT - What is it? How do we implement it? workshop; Download the Weblinks for the Introduction to AUXSCOUT workshop
  3. Contact the local Coast Guard Auxiliary division’s Staff Officer - Auxscout (SO-AS) or Division Commander; identify nearby Auxiliary flotillas using the Ship – Auxiliary Flotilla map. Keep your Council Commodore informed of your efforts.
  4. Implement recommendations in the Recommended joint Sea Scout – Auxiliary activities section of the AUXSCOUT 112 workshop.
    • Existing Ships pairing up with a flotilla
    • Help a flotilla start a new Sea Scout Ship
    • Joint public affairs activities with the Auxiliary
    • Safety at Sea events
    • Providing training to Sea Scout Ships
    • Joint waterway cleanups
