What should my division be doing to get started?

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Revision as of 09:15, 15 September 2019 by Brucejohnson (Talk | contribs) (Follow these steps)

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Follow these steps

  1. Attend AUXSCOUT 103 - Introduction to AUXSCOUT for Divisions workshop
  2. Read MOA and SOP
  3. Appoint SO for Sea Scouts; see AuxBWiki for a job description and information on organizational support
  4. Become thoroughly familiar with AuxBWiki and the Sea Scouts BSA website
  5. Take BSA YPT and Sea Scout Adult Leader Basic Training
  6. Attend AUXSCOUT 201 - AUXSCOUT Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) workshop
  7. Contact Sea Scout Area or Regional Commodore to identify Sea Scout counterparts
  8. Identify local Ships in the division’s AOR using the Flotilla-Ship map
  9. Reach out to your Youth Programs Branch Chief for your district
  10. Develop Division AUXSCOUT tactical plan for 2019-20; communicate it to the district’s Sea Scout DSO
  11. Submit monthly reports to the District Sea Scout DSO and the Sea Scout Area or Council Commodore
