Eagle - Summit Award - and Quartermaster Recognition

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Quartermaster Award
It is customary for Eagle Scouts or Quartermasters to receive congratulatory letters from civic, community, military and other leaders who appreciate and recognize the importance of their accomplishments. The National Commodore of the Coast Guard Auxiliary wishes to support our youth by providing such encouragement. If you would like to request a letter of congratulations from the National Commodore on behalf of your Eagle Scout or Quartermaster candidate (or if you are a Eagle Scout or Quartermaster candidate yourself), please provide us with the following information:
Eagle Scout Award

Information needed for letter

  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone(s)
  • Email address
  • Eagle Scout or Quartermaster?
  • Boy Scout Troop or Sea Scout Ship number
  • Anticipated presentation date for the Eagle Scout or Quartermaster Award
  • Year you became a Cub Scout (if applicable)
  • Year you became a Boy Scout (if applicable)
  • Year you became a Sea Scout (if applicable)
  • Brief description of your service project
  • Brief description of your plans for the future (high school, college, career, etc.)

Send the information

Please send the information in an email to Stephan Reckie, BC-BLYB.

Thank you for your interest in the Coast Guard Auxiliary. You or your Eagle Scout or Quartermaster candidate will receive your letter within a few weeks' time. If time grows short, please email us.


[1]BSA Eagle and Quartermaster Supplemental MOA (PDF)