Auxiliary-Sea Scout Frequently Asked Questions

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The following are questions about AUXSCOUT that have been submitted by Auxiliarists and Sea Scout leaders. If you are unable to find the answer to your question, please contact Bruce Johnson, who will research the question, find the answer, and post it here.

Pilot rollout

Q: Which districts are involved in the pilot program?

A: Fifth (Southern Region) and Ninth (Eastern Region).

Q: What is the timeline for the pilot program?

A: There is no set timeline for the pilot program. It is hoped that the initial phase will be a very few months, after which time some or all of the remaining districts will be included in the Sea Scout initiative.

Q: Will all districts not involved in the pilot program fully implement the MOA at the same time?

A: We do not know yet.


Sea Scout membership in the Coast Guard Auxiliary

Q: Sea Scouts (<17) joining the Auxiliary. If a Sea Scout under 17 years old is interested in joining the Auxiliary within the purview of the MOA (at least 14 years old), how is their membership application (ANSC 7001) annotated to DIRAUX that they are able to join (while under age of 17).

A: Unknown at this time. The 2018-09-11 ALAUX message noted that the Chief Director's Office is not prepared yet to accept membership applications for Sea Scouts under the age of 17.

Q: What uniforms should Sea Scouts and Sea Scout leaders wear if they are also Auxiliarists?

A: They should wear Sea Scout uniforms at Sea Scout functions and Auxiliary uniforms at Auxiliary functions.

Auxiliary membership in the Sea Scouts

Q: What uniforms should Auxiliarists wear if they are also Sea Scouts?

A: They should wear Sea Scout uniforms at Sea Scout functions and Auxiliary uniforms at Auxiliary functions.


Youth Protection Training

Q: Does an Auxiliarist have to be a BSA member to take Youth Protection Training (YPT)?

A: No. YPT is availablle to anyone working with Scouts.

Q: Does YPT need to be completed by entirety of Flotilla membership before a Sea Scout Ship's membership (+ parent/lco parentis for each Scout) could be invited to attend a Flotilla meeting?

A: No. There is no need for Auxiliarists to take Youth Protection Training for Sea Scouts to attend flotilla meetings.

Q: After completing training, is there a POC that completed training is provided to within the Auxiliary? Do FC/VFC maintain records of who within Flotilla membership has completed the training?

A: Unknown at this time. It is recommended that the Auxiliarist completing YPT make a copy of their completion certificate and give it to the FC. A formal procedure is forthcoming.

Sea Scout adult leadership training available to Auxiliarists

Q: What adult training is available to Auxiliarists?

A: See Sea Scout Leader Training & Education

Q: Can Auxiliarists who are not Sea Scout leaders attend Seabadge?

A: Yes. See your Sea Scout Council Commodore for Seabadge course availability.

Underway training

Q: Can a Sea Scout vessel serve as an Auxiliary platform?


Local collaboration

Coast Guard Auxiliary flotilla works with a Sea Scout Ship

Q: What are some ideas for working with a Sea Scout Ship (unit) or council Sea Scout program?

A: See Sea Scouts

Coast Guard Auxiliary flotilla sponsors a Sea Scout Ship

Q: What are the steps for a flotilla that wants to sponsor a Sea Scout Ship (unit)?

A: See Sponsor a Sea Scout Ship

Hold joint training events