Youth Protection Training

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Revision as of 12:27, 31 January 2011 by Brucejohnson (Talk | contribs) (Procedure for taking Youth Protection Training)

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The Boy Scouts of America provides youth protection training, not only for its registered adult leaders, but also for anyone who has reason to come into contact with Scouting youth (including Sea Scouts). The course that is specifically tailored to this age group is the "Venturing Leader Youth Protection Training," and is available online. This website include a brief video that explains how to create an account that is never used for any purpose other than managing an individual's training.

Procedure for taking Youth Protection Training

  1. Log into
  2. Select the E-Learning link on the first page you come to.
  3. On the subsequent page select the Venturing view tab towards the bottom of the page.
  4. From there select the Take course link next to Youth Protection Training - Venturing Version.
  5. Take the course. (It should take roughly a half hour to complete.)
  6. Once you have completed the course, a certificate will be displayed on their computer screen. Print it out and save if for your records. Your Director for Auxiliary (DIRAUX) may require that you send a copy to be included in your AUXDATA record.


Contact COMO Nick Tarlson, BC-BLY, Youth Partners Branch Chief