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|  <div align="left">[[Image:Training-01.jpg|250px|Sea Scouts learning firefighting techniques]]</div>    ||  <div align="left">The following gives guidance for providing shoreside and underway training opportunities to Sea Cadets & [[Sea Scouts]] in accordance with the [http://bdept.cgaux.org/pdf/NavalSeaCadetCorps-CGAuxMOUNov2009.pdf CGAUX-NSCC Memorandum of Understanding] (MOU) between the Coast Guard Auxiliary (“Auxiliary”) and the [[U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps]] (NSCC) , and the [http://www.auxbdept.org/pdf/BSAUSCGAuxMOA23Feb09.pdf Memorandum of Agreement] (MOA) between the Auxiliary and the [[Boy Scouts of America]] (BSA).<br /><br />The scope of training is a subset of standard Auxiliary boat crew and coxswain qualification tasks. It is recommended that Auxiliary boat crews be selected for their ability to mentor boat crew and coxswain trainees, as well as having prior experience working with youth or younger trainees through the Coast Guard Auxiliary or other youth-serving organizations.</div>    ||  <div align="right">__TOC__</div>    ||   
|  <div align="left">[[Image:SASW-017.jpg|250px|Sea Scouts learning damage control techniques]]</div>    ||  <div align="left">The following gives guidance for providing shoreside and underway training opportunities to [[Sea Scouts]] in accordance with the [http://wow.uscgaux.info/Uploads_wowII/B-DEPT/AUX-BSA-MOA.pdf Memorandum of Agreement] (MOA) among the Coast Guard Auxiliary, the Boy Scouts of America, and the Coast Guard Auxiliary Association.<br /><br />Any public education or member training is potentially available to Sea Scouts, though some training may not be related to Sea Scout advancement requirements. Local Auxiliary units are encouraged to reach out to local Sea Scout units to offer both public education and member training opportunities to Sea Scout youth and adults. For underway training, it is recommended that Auxiliary boat crews be selected for their ability to mentor boat crew and coxswain trainees, as well as having prior experience working with youth or younger trainees through the Coast Guard Auxiliary or other youth-serving organizations.</div>    ||  <div align="right">__TOC__</div>    ||   
==Getting Started==
==Getting Started==
* All members of the Auxiliary crew (including the coxswain) must carefully read the [http://bdept.cgaux.org/pdf/NavalSeaCadetCorps-CGAuxMOUNov2009.pdf NSCC MOU] (if working with Sea Cadets) or [http://bdept.cgaux.org/pdf/BSAUSCGAuxMOA23Feb09.pdf BSA MOA] (if working with Sea Scouts) and understand what the agreement says. Further, the crew and coxswain must carefully read the information provided on the [http://auxbdeptwiki.cgaux.org/index.php/Providing_Shoreside_and_Underway_Training_Opportunities_to_Sea_Cadets_%26_Sea_Scouts AuxBWiki].  
* All members of the Auxiliary crew (including the coxswain) must carefully read the [http://wow.uscgaux.info/Uploads_wowII/B-DEPT/AUX-BSA-MOA.pdf MOA] and understand what the agreement says. Further, the crew and coxswain must carefully read the information provided on the [http://agroup-bx.wow.uscgaux.info/Uploads_wowII/BX-GROUP/SOP_BSX_1102D_2022_10_20_AUXSCOUT_PROGRAM_POST_VERSION.pdf AUXSCOUT Standard Operating Procedures] (SOP).  
* All members of the Auxiliary crew (including the coxswain) must successfully complete the [https://myscouting.scouting.org/ “Venturing Leader Youth Protection Training”] available online from the Boy Scouts of America. '''[[Youth Protection Training|Click here]]''' for additional instructions for accomplishing this task. Your Director of Auxiliary ("DIRAUX") may require that the completion certificate from this course be added to your AUXDATA record.  
* All members of the Auxiliary crew (including the coxswain) must successfully complete the [https://www.scouting.org/training/youth-protection/ “Youth Protection Training”] available online from the Boy Scouts of America. '''[[Youth Protection Training|Click here]]''' for additional instructions for accomplishing this task. Your Flotilla Commander must forward your YPT completion certificate to your Director of Auxiliary ("DIRAUX") for entry into your AUXDATA record.  
* For underway training opportunities, the Coxswain must alert the order issuing authority that the facility will be carrying 'x' number of Sea Cadets or Sea Scouts. If the nature of the patrol does not lend itself to training, the order issuing authority will make that determination and let the Coxswain know.
* For underway training opportunities, the Coxswain must alert the order issuing authority that the facility will be carrying Sea Scouts and provide their names. If the nature of the patrol does not lend itself to training, the order issuing authority will make that determination and let the Coxswain know.
* For underway training opportunities involving Sea Scouts, the Scouts or their leader must provide evidence that a [http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/34426.pdf Local Tour Permit] has been issued by the local Scout Council.
* The final, absolute admonition is that no Auxiliarist shall ever put themselves in a one-on-one situation with a Sea Scout youth member.  This is for the protection of both the youth and the Auxiliarist.
* The final, absolute admonition is that no Auxiliarist shall ever put themselves in a one-on-one situation with a Sea Scout or Sea Cadet youth member.  This is for the protection of both the youth and the Auxiliarist.
The process for bringing Sea Scouts and Sea Cadets on board OPFACs under orders is the same as bringing any guest on board, and is covered in the [http://www.uscg.mil/directives/cim/16000-16999/CIM_16798_3E.pdf ''Operational Policy Manual''], COMDTINST M16798.3E,  Chapter 4, paragraph E.18. Sea Scouts and Sea Cadets should be provided with life jackets with appropriate impact ratings, and equipped with the same PPE as Auxiliarists.
The process for bringing Sea Scouts on board OPFACs under orders is the same as bringing any guest on board, and is covered in the [https://ntc.cgaux.org/CIM_16798_3E.pdf ''Operations Policy Manual''], COMDTINST M16798.3E,  Chapter 4, paragraph E.18. If the Sea Scouts do not have life jackets, they should be lent appropriate PPE for the duration of the patrol.
OPFACs with Sea Cadets or Sea Scouts on board should not be tasked with SAR duties. In the unlikely event that an OPFAC with Sea Scouts or Sea Cadets aboard must respond to an incident, the youth must not be involved in the operation.
OPFACs with Sea Scouts on board should not be tasked with SAR duties. In the unlikely event that an OPFAC with Sea Scouts must respond to an incident, the youth must not be involved in the operation.
==Ground Rules==
==Ground Rules==
[[Image:Northwind-2010-10_cover.jpg|thumb|right|200px|[http://bdept.cgaux.org/pdf/10OctNW_print.pdf Sea Cadets train with District 11 Northern Auxiliarists]]]
# Auxiliary facilities used for Sea Scout training must be operated under orders with at least the minimum crew on board.  
# Auxiliary facilities used for Sea Scout or Sea Cadet training must be operated under orders with at least the minimum crew on board.  
# The number of Sea Scouts aboard must not exceed the number of crew. For example, if there are two Auxiliarist crew aboard, there should be no more than 2 Sea Scouts aboard.
# The number of Sea Cadets or Sea Scouts aboard must not exceed the number of crew. For example, if there are two Auxiliarist crew aboard, there should be no more than 2 Sea Cadets or Sea Scouts aboard.
# At no time is it permissible for one Auxiliarist to be alone with one youth.
# At no time is it permissible for one Auxiliarist to be alone with one youth.
# The Coxswain has total discretion at all times to determine whether Sea Scouts or Sea Cadets are participating appropriately in a training opportunity. If the Coxswain determines that any youth’s behavior is inconsistent with carrying out the mission, the Coxswain is encouraged to return the youth to the dock or abort the mission as appropriate.
# The Coxswain has total discretion at all times to determine whether Sea Scouts are participating appropriately in a training opportunity. If the Coxswain determines that any youth’s behavior is inconsistent with carrying out the mission, the Coxswain is encouraged to return the youth to the dock or abort the mission as appropriate.
# Providing underway training to Sea Cadets and Sea Scouts will be determined by the local Coast Guard Auxiliary district (i.e., District Commodore and Director of Auxiliary).
===Implementation Guidelines===
* [http://www.scouting.org/sitecore/content/Home/HealthandSafety/GSS.aspx Guide to Safe Scouting (Boy Scouts of America)]
* [http://bdept.cgaux.org/pdf/GuideToSeaScoutSeaCadetTrainingOpportunities.pdf Guide to Providing Shoreside and Underway Training Opportunities to Sea Scouts]
* [http://www.scouting.org/sitecore/content/Home/HealthandSafety/Alerts/Insurance.aspx Insurance Coverage (Boy Scouts of America)]
* [http://bdept.cgaux.org/pdf/BSA-NSCCChecklist.pdf Checklist for Auxiliarists Organizing Shoreside and Underway Training of Sea Scouts]
* [http://www.scouting.org/Training/YouthProtection.aspx?sc_lang=es-MX Protección Juvenil (Boy Scouts of America)]
* [http://bdept.cgaux.org/pdf/ChecklistForAuxiliaristsTrainingSeaScouts.pdf Checklist for Auxiliarists Participating in Shoreside and Underway Training of Sea Scouts]
* [http://www.childwelfare.gov/systemwide/laws_policies/state/ State Statutes on Child Welfare (Child Welfare Information Gateway)]
* [[Youth Protection Training]]
* [http://www.scouting.org/Training/YouthProtection.aspx Youth Protection (Boy Scouts of America)]
* [http://ops.d11nuscgaux.info/opsforms/LiaRelRev.pdf Agreement and Release from Liability – Required to be signed by any guest aboard an operational facility under orders ''Note: as indicated, this is the form from District 11N; each district may have their own version of this form; in addition to this form you will need a Guest Clearance Letter endorsed by the order issuing authority.''  ]
* [http://diraux.d11nuscgaux.info/policy_pdf/appendix_a_sample_guest_letter.pdf Guest Clearance Letter – The coxswain of the operational facility should prepare this letter and submit for endorsement by the order issuing authority any time a guest is taken aboard a facility under orders]
==Recommended Training Activities==
==Recommended Training Activities==
Following is a list of Auxiliary boat crew tasks/activities that can be provided by certified Auxiliarist Boat Crew for training Sea Scouts and Sea Cadets.
Following is a table that shows which Auxiliary public education and member training opportunities are relevant to the Sea Scout advancement program. A detailed concordance is available for download '''[https://www.dropbox.com/s/d93n6qx91tcf72n/Sea%20Scout%20Advancement%20requirements%20to%20Auxiliary%20training%20crosswalk.pdf?dl=0 HERE]'''.
Sea Scout advancement requirements are [http://www.seascout.org/about/program/advancement/recognition-youth.html available online]. Please note that Sea Scout advancement requirements and Boat Crew tasks/activities are not always worded the same. Sea Scout advancement references are provided for informational purposes only.
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|align="center" valign="top" |[[Image:Advancement_requirements_covered_by_Auxiliary_courses.jpg]]
===Shoreside Training===
|align="center" valign="top" |Sea Scout Advancement requirements covered by Coast Guard Auxiliary Auxiliary courses
'''BCM-02-01-AUX''': Crew First Aid Responsibility
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Able 5.f
'''BCM-02-02-AUX''': Sun and Heat Related Factors
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Able 5.f
'''BCM-02-03-AUX''': State the Symptoms and Treatment for Shock
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Able 5.f
'''BCM-02-05-AUX''': Demonstrate Direct Pressure, Pressure Points, and Tourniquet Method to Control Bleeding
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Able 5.f
'''BCM-02-06-AUX''': State the Signs and Treatment for Burns
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Able 5.f
'''BCM-02-07-AUX''': State the Symptoms and Treatment for Hypothermia
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Able 5.f
'''BCM-02-09-AUX''': Identify Boat Crew Survival Equipment
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Apprentice 5.b
'''BCM-02-10-AUX''': Use the Emergency Signal Mirror
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Apprentice 5.b
'''BCM-02-11-AUX''': Describe the Use of Hand Held Distress Flares
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Apprentice 5.b
'''BCM-02-12-AUX''': Describe The Use Of Aerial Flares.
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Apprentice 5.b
'''BCM-02-13-AUX''': Operate the Personal Marker Light (PML) or Strobe Light
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Apprentice 5.b
'''BCM-02-14-AUX''': State Survival Procedures in Event the Boat Capsizes or Swamps
'''BCM-03-01-AUX''': Identify the Different Parts of a Line and the Hitches Used In Line Handling
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Ordinary 6.a
'''BCM-03-02-AUX''': Tie Various Knots, Hitches and Bends
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Apprentice 6, Ordinary 6.b
'''BCM-03-03-AUX''': Secure Lines to Cleats, Bitts and Posts
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Apprentice 6, Ordinary 6.c
'''BCM-04-03-AUX''': Identify Common Navigation Lights Displayed By Ships and Boats
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Ordinary 9.e
'''BCM-04-04-AUX''': Identify Common Sound Signals Used By Ships and Boats
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Ordinary 9.f
'''BCM-04-05-AUX''': Identify and Describe Accepted Maritime Distress Signals
'''BCM-06-01-AUX''': Identify the Basic Parts, Symbols and Abbreviations Found On a Nautical Chart
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Able 9.d, 9.e
'''BCM-07-09-AUX''': Identify the Different Classes of Fires
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Able 5.c
'''BCM-07-11-AUX''': Operate a CO2 Fire Extinguisher (Simulate)
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Able 5.d
'''BCM-07-12-AUX''': Operate a Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher (Simulate)
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Able 5.d
'''COX-02-01-AUX''': Describe The Indicators Of Approaching Heavy Weather
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Quartermaster 5.a, Quartermaster 11
'''COX-02-02-AUX''': Recognize Warning Signs Of An Unstable Vessel
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Quartermaster 5.a
'''COX-02-03-AUX''': State The Procedures To Follow If Engine Will Not Start
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Able 14.d, Quartermaster 13.b
'''COX-02-04-AUX''': State The Procedures To Follow For Loss Of Electrical Power
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Able 14.d, Quartermaster 13.d
'''COX-02-05-AUX''': State The Procedures To Follow For High Engine Temperature
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Able 14.d, Quartermaster 13.b
'''COX-02-06-AUX''': State Procedures To Follow For Low/No Engine Oil Pressure
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Able 14.d, Quartermaster 13.b
'''COX-02-07-AUX''': State The Procedures To Follow For Defective Charging System
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Able 14.d, Quartermaster 13.d
'''COX-02-08-AUX''': State The Procedures To Follow For Shaft Vibration
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Able 14.d, Quartermaster 13.b
'''COX-02-09-AUX''': State The Procedures To Follow For A Steering Casualty
'''COX-03-01-AUX''': State The Forces That Affect Boat Handling
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Able 7.a
'''COX-03-02-AUX''': State The Basic Principles Of Boat Handling
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Able 7.a
'''COX-06-04-AUX''': State The Basic Concepts Related To Search Planning
'''COX-06-05-AUX''': Plot A Single Unit Expanding Square Search Pattern (SS)
'''COX-06-06-AUX''': Plot A Single Unit Sector Search Pattern (VS)
'''COX-06-07-AUX''': Plot A Single Unit Parallel Search Pattern (PS)
'''COX-06-08-AUX''': Plot A Single Unit Trackline Return Search Pattern (TSR)
'''COX-05-01-AUX''': Identify Navigational Publications
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Able 9
'''COX-07-04-AUX''': State The Action To Take If Your Boat Was Aground
===Underway Training===
'''BCM-03-04-AUX''': Assist the Coxswain with a Pre-Underway Check-Off Aboard an Auxiliary Facility
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Ordinary 5, Able 5
'''BCM-04-01-AUX''': Assist In Anchoring the Boat
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Ordinary 8
'''BCM-04-02-AUX''': Assist in Weighing the Boat’s Anchor
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Ordinary 8
'''BCM-04-06-AUX''': Stand a Lookout Watch
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Ordinary 11
'''BCM-04-08-AUX''': Cast Off and Stow Lines and Fenders
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Able 7.b
'''BCM-04-09-AUX''': Prepare For, Moor and Secure the Boat to a Dock
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Able 7.a, Quartermaster 7.a, 7.b
'''BCM-05-01-AUX''': Operate a VHF-FM Radiotelephone
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Apprentice 5.c, Ordinary 5.f
'''BCM-05-02-AUX''': Use the VHF-FM Radiotelephone to Give a Position or Operations Normal Report
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Ordinary 5.f
'''BCM-06-02-AUX''': Identify Common Aids to Navigation Used In Small Boat Piloting
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Able 9.d
'''BCM-06-03-AUX''': Identify Local Landmarks Used in Piloting on a Nautical Chart
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Able 9.e
'''BCM-06-04-AUX''': Plot a Position Using Latitude and Longitude
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Ordinary 10.a
'''BCM-06-05-AUX''': Plot a Magnetic Course on a Nautical Chart
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Ordinary 10.f, Able 10.b
'''BCM-06-06-AUX''': Measure Distance on a Nautical Chart
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Ordinary 10.f, Able 10.d
'''BCM-06-07-AUX''': Compute Time, Speed, and Distance
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Ordinary 10.f, Able 10.c
'''BCM-06-08-AUX''': Determine the Depth of Water Using a Fathometer and/or a Sounding Pole
'''BCM-07-01-AUX''': Participate In a Man Overboard Evolution as a Pointer
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Ordinary 5.d, Quartermaster 3.c
'''BCM-07-02-AUX''': Participate in a Man Overboard Evolution as a Recovery/Pick up Man Second Auxiliary Facility
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Ordinary 5.d, Quartermaster 3.c
'''BCM-07-10-AUX''': Locate And Operate the Boat’s Dewatering Equipment
'''COX-03-04-AUX''': Complete a Pre-Underway Check-Off for the Facility
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Able 5.a, 14.d, Quartermaster 3.c
'''COX-03-07-AUX''': Maneuver A Boat In A Narrow Channel Or In A River
'''COX-03-10-AUX''': Anchor the Boat
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Ordinary 8.d
'''COX-03-11-AUX''': Weigh the Boat’s Anchor
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Ordinary 8.d
'''COX-04-02-AUX''': Execute Commonly Used Sound Signals
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Ordinary 9.f
'''COX-04-03-AUX''': Set The Proper Navigation Lights For Common Operational Boat Evolutions
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Ordinary 9.e, Able 9.b
'''COX-05-02-AUX''': Obtain A Visual Fix
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Able 10.c
'''COX-05-03-AUX''': Determine A Compass Course From True Course
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Ordinary 10.b
'''COX-05-04-AUX''': Sketch A Chart Of The Local Operating Area
'''COX-05-05-AUX''': Pilot A Boat Using Dead Reckoning Techniques
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Ordinary 10.f, Able 10.b
'''COX-05-06-AUX''': Pilot A Boat Using “Seaman’s Eye”
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Able 10.c
'''COX-05-07-AUX''': Determine The Position Of A Boat Using Radar Ranges And Bearing
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Able 10.f
'''COX-05-08-AUX''': Determine The Position Of A Boat Using GPS/DGPS (If Equipped)
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Able 10.e
'''COX-05-10-AUX''': Determine Course To Steer And Speed Over Ground (SOG) Allowing For Set And Drift
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Ordinary 10.f
'''COX-05-11-AUX''': River Sailing, (Locks, Dams And Flood Warnings) And Pass Through A Lock
'''COX-06-09-AUX''': Execute A Search Pattern
'''COX-07-01-AUX''': Determine The Approach To An Object And Station Keep
'''COX-07-02-AUX''': Recover a Person from the Water Using the Direct Pick Up Method
* Sea Scout Advancement reference: Ordinary 5.d, Quartermaster 3.c
'''COX-09-04-AUX''': Perform a Night Navigation and Piloting Exercise
* [http://cgauxsurfaceops.us/documents/COMDTINST_M16794_51A(web).pdf Auxiliary Boat Crew Training Manual (M16794.51A)]
* [http://www.uscg.mil/directives/cim/16000-16999/cim_16794_52a.pdf Boat Crew Qualification Guide Vol 1: Crew Member (M16794.52A)]
* [http://www.uscg.mil/directives/cim/16000-16999/cim_16794_53a.pdf Boat Crew Qualification Guide Vol 2: Coxswain (M16794.53A)]
* [http://www.uscg.mil/foia/Enclosures/ENCL%20(75).pdf Boat Crew Seamanship Manual (M16114.5C)]
* [http://www.seascout.org/about/program/advancement/recognition-youth.html Sea Scout Advancement Requirements]
* [http://www.scoutstuff.org/BSASupply/ItemDetail.aspx?cat=01RTL&ctgy=PRODUCTS&c2=BOOKS_LIT&C3=VENTURING&C4=&LV=3&item=33239&prodid=33239^8^01RTL& Sea Scout Manual]
===Contributed by===
[mailto:[email protected] Bruce Johnson], DIR-B, Director for RBS Affairs

Latest revision as of 16:30, 1 May 2023

Sea Scouts learning damage control techniques
The following gives guidance for providing shoreside and underway training opportunities to Sea Scouts in accordance with the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) among the Coast Guard Auxiliary, the Boy Scouts of America, and the Coast Guard Auxiliary Association.

Any public education or member training is potentially available to Sea Scouts, though some training may not be related to Sea Scout advancement requirements. Local Auxiliary units are encouraged to reach out to local Sea Scout units to offer both public education and member training opportunities to Sea Scout youth and adults. For underway training, it is recommended that Auxiliary boat crews be selected for their ability to mentor boat crew and coxswain trainees, as well as having prior experience working with youth or younger trainees through the Coast Guard Auxiliary or other youth-serving organizations.

Getting Started

  • All members of the Auxiliary crew (including the coxswain) must carefully read the MOA and understand what the agreement says. Further, the crew and coxswain must carefully read the information provided on the AUXSCOUT Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).
  • All members of the Auxiliary crew (including the coxswain) must successfully complete the “Youth Protection Training” available online from the Boy Scouts of America. Click here for additional instructions for accomplishing this task. Your Flotilla Commander must forward your YPT completion certificate to your Director of Auxiliary ("DIRAUX") for entry into your AUXDATA record.
  • For underway training opportunities, the Coxswain must alert the order issuing authority that the facility will be carrying Sea Scouts and provide their names. If the nature of the patrol does not lend itself to training, the order issuing authority will make that determination and let the Coxswain know.
  • The final, absolute admonition is that no Auxiliarist shall ever put themselves in a one-on-one situation with a Sea Scout youth member. This is for the protection of both the youth and the Auxiliarist.

The process for bringing Sea Scouts on board OPFACs under orders is the same as bringing any guest on board, and is covered in the Operations Policy Manual, COMDTINST M16798.3E, Chapter 4, paragraph E.18. If the Sea Scouts do not have life jackets, they should be lent appropriate PPE for the duration of the patrol.

OPFACs with Sea Scouts on board should not be tasked with SAR duties. In the unlikely event that an OPFAC with Sea Scouts must respond to an incident, the youth must not be involved in the operation.

Ground Rules

  1. Auxiliary facilities used for Sea Scout training must be operated under orders with at least the minimum crew on board.
  2. The number of Sea Scouts aboard must not exceed the number of crew. For example, if there are two Auxiliarist crew aboard, there should be no more than 2 Sea Scouts aboard.
  3. At no time is it permissible for one Auxiliarist to be alone with one youth.
  4. The Coxswain has total discretion at all times to determine whether Sea Scouts are participating appropriately in a training opportunity. If the Coxswain determines that any youth’s behavior is inconsistent with carrying out the mission, the Coxswain is encouraged to return the youth to the dock or abort the mission as appropriate.

Implementation Guidelines

Recommended Training Activities

Following is a table that shows which Auxiliary public education and member training opportunities are relevant to the Sea Scout advancement program. A detailed concordance is available for download HERE.

Advancement requirements covered by Auxiliary courses.jpg
Sea Scout Advancement requirements covered by Coast Guard Auxiliary Auxiliary courses